Frame.io maintains a Zapier app that extend our core API features into the Zapier "click and create" interface. You can use Zapier to harness Frame.io to support workflows where you need to work or collaborate in other applications. Some common Frame.io features used in Zaps (i.e. automated tasks) are commenting, asset uploads and downloads, and team or project creation. The most popular apps connected to Frame.io can be seen on our landing page on Zapier's website.
Our Zapier app makes it easier to connect to workflow apps than it would otherwise be if you wrote your own custom integration code.
- Sign up for a free Zapier account
- Create an auth token at developer.frame.io
- Log into Zapier and create a Zap. Zapier will need your Frame.io API token to authenticate.
- Browse Zapier's examples
- If you'd like to see more features in our Zapier integration, tell us what you want on our community chat. We maintain the Zapier integration just like our other native integrations and we're always looking for ways to improve it.
- Review our how-to guides to set started
- Ask the community or reach out to Support if you get stuck
Partner with us
- Become a Frame.io partner if your company's software should be directly integrated into Frame.io without Zapier middleware.